Specifying requirements
Code audit & refactoring

Types of Quality Assurance Testing

Through our Quality Assurance and support services , We make sure that the development process is Consistent With Quality.

Automated and Manual Testing

Function and Regression Testing

Load and Stress Testing

Usability Testing

Compability Testing

Quality Assurance

Through our Quality Assurance and support services , We make sure that the development process is Consistent With Quality.



We categorize testing depending on the platforms used, project size, development technique, and post-release strategy.

Manual Testing

Our software testers test it on a wide range of platforms and operating systems. They make sure software works as it hould by putting themselves in the shoes of the user and running through a variety of test scenarios.

Automated testing

Our team uses sophisticated testing technologies like Selenium, Appium, and JMeter to run automated tests and compare real results to projected results.


Error correction

Some small faults that were not found during testing may occur after a product has been released to the production environment. Our staff keeps note of these issues and works to resolve them as promptly as possible.

Extending capabilities

We give product upgrades and work on any product changes that improve the capabilities of your programme. Our team thinks outside the box and makes recommendations about how to improve your product.


We identify places in your programme that might be improved to make it run more effectively and consume less resources. We can improve performance by restructuring your code or changing your software.

Code audit & refactoring

Source code analysis

Our team thoroughly examines the source code to determine its present status and determine what needs to be done to enhance it.


Our team refactors code during development to meet non-functional needs like source code readability and maintainability.

How it works

We do code reviews according to best practices, taking into account the source code's age, product architecture, and development conditions.

Testing Tools and technologies





